
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Error "The CODEPAGE option is incompatible with the LOBSINFILE option" Solution

Error : The "CODEPAGE" option is incompatible with the "LOBSINFILE" option

Cause of the Error: The error comes due to code page mismatch between source database and target database. See the below example.  CODEPAGE is page encoding. By default OS also having default encoding (1252).

db2move sourceDB export
                          - where codepage of sourceDB was set to 1208

db2move targetDB import
                           - where codepage of sourceDB was set to 1252

in the above case, error is caused due to codepage mismatch.

Solution : Change the target database codepage to 1208. Follow the below steps to change code page.
1. db2set db2codepage=1208
2. db2start
3. db2stop

You can find out the code page of a database using the following commands
1. db2 connect to dbname
2. db2 get db cfg | find "code"

You may get the below lines

Database code page                                      = 1208
Database code set                                       = utf-8
Database country/region code                            = 1


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