
Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to Configure JDBC Datasource (JNDI) in Tomcat 7 with DB2 in Ecplise Example.

The following steps tells how to Configure JDBC Data Resources (JNDI) in Tomcat 7 with DB2 in Ecplise with Example. Assume that Eclipse is configured with Apache Tomcat Application Server 7.0.

A database connection pool creates and manages a pool of connections to a database. It is always better to recycle and reuse already existing connections to a dB than opening a new connection. Tomcat supports DBCP connection pool from the Commons project by default. It is also possible to use any other connection pool that implements javax.sql.DataSource

Suppose if you need to access db2 database via a JDBC driver, follow the following steps for successful data base connection with db2.

Steps to be followed to configure JDBC Data Resources (JNDI) in Tomcat 7 with DB2 (in our example jdbc/javaOnlineDS)

In Brief :
1) Place appropriate JDBC drivers of DB2 to Tomcat for  your web application (i.e place it inside WEB-INF\lib)
2) Configure web.xml, context.xml files as described in the detail section.

In Detail :
Copy all necessary JDBC drivers of DB2 database, to the lib folder under WEB-INF. i.e  copy db2 jdbc drivers, db2jcc.jar, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar, db2jcc_license_cu.jar to the lib folder.

Next, Declare Resource Requirements in web.xml. Modify the web application deployment descriptor (/WEB-INF/web.xml) to declare the JNDI name for the Database resource (ie. jdbc/javaOnlineDS) for the web application level.

The following lines will be added in the web.xml before </web-app> for declaring resource requirements.


<description>DB Connection Pool</description>




</resource-ref >


The following lines will be added in the context.xml under META-INF between <Context> </Context>

<Resource name="jdbc/javaOnlineDS" auth="Container"   type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="abc" password="*****" driverClassName=""  url="jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/test" maxActive="8" maxIdle="4" />

Note that the resource name jdbc/javaOnlineDS must match the value specified in the web application deployment descriptor

Now let us write Java code to use the resource. Create a connection class

package javaonline;

import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import javax.naming.Context;

import javax.naming.InitialContext;

import javax.naming.NamingException;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

public class ConnectionFactory {

  public static Connection getConnection()  {

    Context  m_ctxLookup = null;

    DataSource  dataSource = null;

    Connection  conn  = null;

   try {
      Context initCtx = new InitialContext();

      Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");

      dataSource = (DataSource)   envCtx.lookup("jdbc/javaOnlineDS");

    } catch (NamingException exc) {

      System.out.println("Lookup fail of database " + exc.toString()+ "The context is " + m_ctxLookup);


    try {

      conn = dataSource.getConnection();

    }catch (SQLException exc) {

      System.out.println("Getting Connection. Fail of database " + exc.toString()+ "The context is " + m_ctxLookup);


    return conn;



Call the above getConnection() static method in DAO class

public class GetDetailsDAO { 
public String getData() throws  JSONException


  PreparedStatement ps = null;

     ResultSet rs = null;

     Connection conn = null;



      conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();

      String strQry = "SELECT * from Employee";

      ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQry);

      rs = ps.executeQuery();


         } catch (SQLException se) {}


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Java to create & use DataSource Object in DB2 in the application using DataSource interface without using tools

The preferred way to connect to a database is using DataSource interface rather than using DriverManager interface. DriverManager class requires JDBC driver class name and driver URL. So we have to mention the Driver class and Driver URL which are specific to a JDBC vendor, driver implementation. This reduces the Portabilty of the Application. To improve potability of your applications among data sources, DataSource interface may be used. JDBC version 2.0 provides the DataSource interface. The following program creates datasource object to connect to a database using the DataSource interface in the application itself without using any tool like WAS. Let us see the steps involved to create datasource object and connect to database.

1. Import the package which contains the DataSource interface implementation.

2. Create object of the DataSource implementation (in our example DB2DataSource which has built in support for connection pooling )

3. Set the properties like DatabaseName, Description, User, and Password of the DataSource object.

4. To associate the datasource object with the logical name jdbc/studentDS, register the object with the Java Naming and Directory Interface Naming (JNDI). This is optional.

// Code Starts here

import java.sql.*;        
import javax.sql.*;       // JDBC 2.0 
import;   //DB2 Universal JDBC Driver interface supports connection pool
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.*;
import javax.naming.*;    
public class DB2DS {
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
DB2DataSource ds=null;
 try {
ds=new DB2DataSource();        //inbuilt support for connection pool
ds.setDescription("Student Database");
ds.setUser("abc"); //db user id
ds.setPassword("*******"); // db password

 } catch (Exception e) {
Connection conn = null;
 PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
 ResultSet rs=null;
   try {
    if (conn != null) System.out.println("Database Connection Established ");  else System.out.println("DB Connection Failed ");
    pstmt=conn.prepareStatement("Select * from stu_detail");
       System.out.println("Student ID: "+rs.getString("ID"));
       System.out.println("Student Name: "+rs.getString("name"));
     } catch (SQLException e) {
        System.out.println("Error in Connection");

Sunday, November 30, 2014

How to display the number of rows affected in DB2 INSERT / DELETE / UPDATE / MERGE commands

 By default, DB2 does not print the number of records affected when we run the DML  commands like INSERT,  DELETE, UPDATE or MERGE in the command prompt. So to display number of records affected when you run the above DML commands, you can use  following options.

You  can use the option m, in the command itself as given below

db2 -m update employee set payscale='42000-3%-72000' where doj<='1976-01-01'
  Number of rows affected : 50
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

Also, You can use the below db2set command to set the command options "m" permanently for all instances and databases,

db2set DB2OPTIONS=-m



Or you can update the options m to ON  permanently using the update command options.

db2 update command options using m ON

            In windows, if you may get the  below error OR your changes done to the command option may not be  retained when you run the above command,

error :   db2 update command options using m ON SQL0104N  An unexpected token "m" was found following "USING".  Expected tokens may include:  "A".  SQLSTATE=42601. Solution will be

Just go to db2 prompt.

db2=> update command options using m ON

You can cehck the command options using the below command

list command options

db2 => delete from Employee where emp_code='E1022'
  Number of rows affected : 1
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

DB2 Gui Tools and Commands to start GUI tools

DB2 Universal Database (UDB) has many graphical tools that make the DBA’s database management job easier and it improves the productivity of the developer in application development. The following are the Gui Tools available in DB2 UDB. 1. Control Center , 2. Command Center , 3. Configuration Assistance , 4. Health Center, 5. Task Center , 6. Development Center , 7. Journal , 8. Memory Visualizer , 9. Information Center , 10. Replication Center

Now We are going to the use of db2 gui tools and how to invoke these Tools
All the GUI tools can be run through Control Center. It is better to invoke the GUI tools directly from the command line. 

1. Control Center : Using the Control Center, We can perform administrative tasks, monitor systems, and develop applications.This is the Master of all DB2 graphical tools We can invoke various DB2 GUI tools directly from the Control Center. Command to invoke Contral Center : db2cc

2. Command Center : Allows you to write and execute DB2 commands and SQL statements interactively. It also lets you write scripts containing DB2 commands &amp; SQL statements and run them immediately or schedule for later execution. Command to invoke Command Center : db2cmdctr

3. Task Center :  Tool to manage the scheduling and execution of DB2 Command and OS scripts. Upon completion of a job, it can create notifications to be sent to e-mail or pager. Command to invoke Task Center : db2tc

4. Journal:  Keeps a running history of all interactive command and script executions submitted using the DB2 GUI tools. Command to invoke Journal : db2journal

5. Memory Visualizer :  Used to monitor the memory allocation of a DB2instance. Command to invoke Memory Visualizer : db2memvis 

6. Health Center: Used to monitor the state and utilization of many parts of the database manager, the databases, and user agents. Command to invoke Health Center : db2hc

7. Development Center :  It has the features and functions that make it easier for developers to build and deploy applications for either Java or Microsoft environments. The Stored Procedure Builder has been included in the Development Center. Command to invoke Development Cente : db2dc 

8. Configure Assistance :  The Configuration Assistant has many new features. One is to connect &amp; access the remote data base locally using TCP/IP . Command to invoke Configure Assistance : db2memvis

9. Replication Center :  We can use to set up and administer our replication environment which include DB2-to-DB2 replication and DB2 and non-DB2 relational databases. Command to invoke Replication Center : db2rc 

10. Information Center : Provides quick access to DB2 product information and is available on all OS for which the DB2 administration tools are available. Command to invoke Information Center : db2ic 

11. Data Studio Client : In latest version, DB2 control center in replaced with Data Studio Client. You may need to install the Data Studio Client separately.

 To start, Data Studio Client, Change to the home directory where you have installed DataStudio. Then run eclipse.exe 

For example : F:\Program Files\IBM\DSWC4.1>Eclipse.exe

Commands in Brief :

Control Center : db2cc 
Command Center : db2cmdctr 
Configuration Assistance : db2ca 
Health Center : db2hc 
Task Center : db2tc 
Development Center : db2dc 
Journal :  db2journal 
Memory Visualizer : db2memvis 
Information Center : db2ic 
Replication Center : db2rc 
Data Studio : eclipse.exe

The commands can be used in both Linux &amp; Windows environment. The command can be run in db2 command prompt window .

In windows you can get the command prompt (command line processor (CLP)) by running the command db2cmd.

In Linux,  to invoke the DB2 CLP or issue DB2 command directly from the Linux command prompt, we need to run the db2profile in the profile of the login user ID. For that we need to include the following line in login profile. INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile Where INSTHOME is the DB2 instance home directory.

How to Write own Java user-defined functions in DB2 & call UDFs in DB2 SQL with Example Step by Steps

            User Defined Functions (UDFs) are own functions written by the user which can be used in SQL, DDL or DML statements. UDfs can be written in two ways on DB2 Universal Database. One is SQL UDFs which is based on procedural extensions to the SQL language, highly used by other DBMS. The Other one is External UDFs which is written host languages like Java and others. Now let us write a user defined function in Java which can be used in in SQL. For example, In oracle INITCAP function returns the first letter of each word in uppercase, all other letters will be in lowercase. This function may not be available in DB2. Now we can write this function in Java can be used in DB2 .

Steps involved to write, deploy and run the UDFs

1. Write program for initCaps in Java

public class initCaps
public static String firstCaps(String line)  throws IOException 
 StringReader in = new StringReader(line); 
 boolean isNextCharSpace = true;
 StringBuffer proper = new StringBuffer();    
int i=0;
      char c = (char)i;      
      if (c == ' ')  {      proper.append(c);      isNextCharSpace = true;     } 

Now compile the above program .
E:\DB2\IBM\SQLLIB\java\jdk\bin> javac

You can have more function in the same java file. Please ensure the java file is compiled and running using the same java version.

Covert the class file to Jar file by using the following command
jar cf myjar6.jar initCaps.class

Now register the jar file in DB2 using the following steps
Open the DB2 command prompt , then run the following command

CALL SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR('file:E:\DB2\IBM\SQLLIB\java\jdk\bin\myjar6.jar',testjar);

      By running the above command, the testjar.jar is file is copied to E:\DB2\IBM\SQLLIB\FUNCTION\jar\Schema Name\

Now Create a user-defined function in Db2 using Create Function


              where firstCaps is the function name which accepts string variable and returns a string variable. testjar is the jarfile name. initCaps is the Class file name. Again firstCaps used in External Name is the Java Method name. The string variable passed to the firstCaps function is passed to Java Method then processed and returns the Proper case of the string.

Now let us write the SQL query using the above user defined function.

select SchemaName.firstCaps(empname) from emp

Some of the Trouble shooting :

         You may get the error : SQL4301N Java or .NET interpreter startup or communication failed, reason code "0". SQLSTATE=58004
          Please check JDK_PATH by the command

In windows :             db2 get dbm cfg | find "JDK".
In Linux :               db2 get dbm cfg | grep -i JDK

The JDK_PATH is one level up to bin directory. So Update the path using the following command.

db2 update dbm cfg using JDK_PATH = E:\DB2\IBM\SQLLIB\java\jdk

           If the above error with reaon code "4" means you can check JAVA_HEAP_SZ. It should be enough to handle the User Defined function / Stored Procedure. 512 may be enough to handle. You can change the value using the following command.

db2 update dbm cfg using JAVA_HEAP_SZ 4096

Java stored procedure or user-defined function could not load Java class reason code "1". SQLSTATE=42724

Class Name mentioned in the Create Function may be mis-spelled. This error may be generated using java.lang.UnsupportedClassError. You have to ensure you are compiling and running the java class file using the same jdk version. Error may be seen E:\DB2\IBM\SQLLIB\DB2\db2dialog.log.

If No errors, then the statement select SchemaName.firstCaps(empname) from emp will give the output. Suppose the database having the employee names akash kumar, Micky jen, jackson Durai.

The output will be
Akash Kumar
Micky Jen
Jackson Durai

Monday, November 10, 2014

How to call db2 stored procedure from java program with example?

JDBC provides three statement interface which is used to send an SQL statement to the database server.

1. Statement
2. PreparedStatement which extends Statement
3. CallableStatement which extends PreparedStatement

Vendors of JDBC Driver provide classes that implement the above interfaces. Without a JDBC driver, you cannot create objects based on these interfaces. Database connection is required to to create statement object. This tutorial explains about CallableStatement objects and also how to call a DB2 stored procedure from a java application. Please go through my earlier post on how to create stored procedure in db2. Stored procedure can be called using the SQL CALL statement in DB2. Now how to call the stored procedures located on the database server from your Java application?

Using CallableStatement interface in java:

      CallableStatement object enable you to call and execute stored procedures stored on the database server from your Java application. Three types of JDBC parameters are there. They are IN, OUT, and INOUT

1. IN - parameters used for input. You can set values to IN parameters with the setXXX() methods.
2. OUT - result parameter used for output which returns output value of the stored procedure.
3. INOUT - parameter used for both input and output values parameters

A question mark (?) symbol serves as a placeholder for a parameter. The call to invoke the Stored procedure is written in an JDBC escape syntax that may take the followings forms

1. {call procedure_name[(?, ?, ...)]} - which accepts input parameters but no result parameter
2. {? = call procedure_name[(?, ?, ...)]} which returns a result parameter
3. {call procedure_name} - for no input / output parameters

A CallableStatement can return one or multiple ResultSet objects. Multiple ResultSet objects are handled using operations inherited from Statement.
                            cstmt.getMoreResults(); -used to point to the second or next result set.

Now let us see the steps to create a CallableStatement Object. Before creating it, let us create a stored procedure in DB2. In our example, I have created two Stored procedures in db2.

Ist Stored Procedure (SP) example : to return all records matching with a given salesman_id and date of sale
      input - salesmanid, sales_date
      output - result set (salesman_id, salesman, item_name , sales_date, sales_amt)

Stored Procedure for the above problem is given below

Stored Procedure I:
CREATE PROCEDURE  ItemSalesBy (salesmanid  varchar(5), dateofsale date)     SPECIFIC sp10    DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 1 
    DECLARE cursor1 CURSOR WITH RETURN FOR   select salesman_id, (select from salesman c where c.salesman_id=b.salesman_id) SalesMan,  (select a.item_name from item_master a where a.item_code=b.item_code) ItemName, sales_date, sales_amt from salesmantxn b  where b.salesman_id=salesmanid and b.sales_date=dateofsale;
    OPEN cursor1;

We can create and call (execute) the above stored procedure using command line processor (CLP) and through java program.

To create stored procedure using CLP, store above stored procedure in a file . for example salesman.sql . Now run the following commands

db2 connect to test
db2 -td@ -vf salesman.sql

to call the above SP through CLP

db2 call ItemSalesBy('101','2012-02-25'), where 101 is the salesman id, 2012-02-25 is the date of sale
Now let us create and call (execute) the above stored procedure using java program

To create CallableStatement object, the following statements are used

CallableStatement cstmt = null;
cstmt = conn.prepareCall ("{ call ItemSalesBy(?,?)}"); 
// Callablestatement object to call the stored procedure

           where ItemSalesBy is the SP name and two question mark (?,?) is used to pass input parametters. In our example, salesman_id , sales_date. The following java program drops the existing SP named ItemSalesBy and creates the same SP and executes with the given input parameters. The statement

              ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQuery();       returns the result set returned by the SP.

import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class CSPRS2 {
    static Connection conn; 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       try {


} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) 




               conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2:test");
        catch( Exception e )

  //  dropSP(); // to drop procedure if already exists  

    createSP();  // to create stored procedure (SP)

    callSP("101", "2012-02-25"); // to execute SP

   private static void dropSP() {
        String str=null;
        Statement stmt = null;
            stmt = conn.createStatement();
           str="drop procedure ItemSalesBy";
            stmt.executeUpdate (str);
        catch (SQLException e1) 
        { e1.printStackTrace();}


  private static void createSP() {
        String strSP=null;
        Statement stmt = null;

   strSP="CREATE PROCEDURE  ItemSalesBy (salesmanid  varchar(5), dateofsale date)  SPECIFIC sp10    DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 1 \n" +
             "P1: BEGIN \n" +
             "DECLARE cursor1 CURSOR WITH RETURN FOR   select salesman_id, (select from salesman c  where c.salesman_id=b.salesman_id) SalesMan,  (select a.item_name from item_master a where a.item_code=b.item_code) ItemName, sales_date, sales_amt from salesmantxn b  where  b.salesman_id=salesmanid and b.sales_date=dateofsale; \n" +
             "OPEN cursor1; \n" +
              "END P1 \n";

            stmt = conn.createStatement();
            stmt.executeUpdate (strSP);
            System.out.println("Stored Procedure created successfully\n");
        catch (SQLException e)
            System.out.println("Error in creating SP: " + e.toString());

    private static void callSP(String sid, String sdate) 
        CallableStatement cstmt = null;
            cstmt = conn.prepareCall ("{ call ItemSalesBy(?,?)}");  // CallableStatement object  to call the stored procedure 
            cstmt.setDate(2, java.sql.Date.valueOf(sdate));
            ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQuery();
            System.out.println("SALESMAN_ID SALESMAN              ITEMNAME      SALES_DATE    SALES_AMT\n");
            System.out.println("----------- ---------------- ------------------- ----------  ------------\n");

   if (rs != null) {        

          while (
             System.out.println(rs.getInt(1) + "             " + rs.getString(2) + "       " + rs.getString(3) + "      " + rs.getString(4) +"       "+rs.getString(5));
        catch (SQLException e) 
Output :

Stored Procedure II: To calculate wages for a salesman on a particular date based on sales_amt. wages is calculated with the following formula wages = total_sales_amt * 0.5 /100 + bonus ; and Rs. 100 bonus is added if the sales_amt &gt;10000 and sales_amt<=200000, Rs. 200 bonus if sales_amt>200000 and sales_amt<=300000 , Rs. 300/- bonus if sales_amt>300000 IN Parameter : salesman_id, Sales_date OUT parameter : wages Stored Procedure for the above problem is given below

CREATE PROCEDURE wagesCalc(IN salesmanid varchar(5),IN SalesDate date , OUT  wages  double)   LANGUAGE SQL
     DECLARE bonus double;
     DECLARE sumsales double;
     DECLARE wages_temp double;
      SET bonus= 0;
     OPEN cursor1;
     FETCH FROM cursor1 INTO sumsales, wages_temp;
  IF (sumsales&gt;300000) THEN
     set bonus=300;
  ELSEIF (sumsales&gt;200000 and sumsales<=300000) THEN
     set bonus=300;
  ELSEIF (sumsales&gt;100000 and sumsales<=200000) THEN
    set bonus=100;
     CLOSE cursor1;
 SET wages = wages_temp+ bonus; 

               to create above SP using CLP , store above stored procedure in a file . eg. wages.sql . Now run the following commands db2 connect to test db2 -td% -vf wages.sql to call the above SP through CLP db2 call wagesCalc('101', '2012-02-25', ?), which returns wages for the saleman_id=101 and sales_date='2012-02-25' Now let us see how to call (execute) the above stored procedure using java program

     private static void callSP(String sid, String sdate) 
          Double wages=0.0;
          CallableStatement cstmt = null;
            cstmt = conn.prepareCall ("{ call wagesCalc(?,?,?)}");  // CallableStatement object  to call the stored procedure 
            cstmt.setDate(2, java.sql.Date.valueOf(sdate));
            cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.DOUBLE);
            wages  = cstmt.getDouble(3);
               System.out.println("Sales Man Id = " + sid  + " Wages= " + wages);
        catch (SQLException e) 
   Output of the above program : 

D:\as2\JF5>java CSPRS4 Sales Man Id = 101 Wages= 650.0

          In the above program, registerOutParameter(3, Types.DOUBLE); Registers the OUT parameter in ordinal position parameterIndex to the JDBC type sqlType The execute() returns boolean value. if it returns false means, first result is an update count or there is no result; true means, the first result is a ResultSet object

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Solution for DB2 transaction log for the database is full. SQLSTATE=57011 .

Before go to the solution, Please go through the post to understand the LOGFILSIZ parameter and how to change the log file size. In DB2 ,Some times you may get the following error,when any transaction like Insert, Update or Delete occurs on a database.

DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL0964C The
transaction log for the database is full. SQLSTATE=57011.

The above error may be caused due to the database log file is not large enough for the application or due to the transaction to delete / update rows in the table is overfilling the transaction logs. This error can be solved by increasing of LOGFILSIZ, LOGPRIMARY, and LOGSECOND .

To get the DB2 log file configuration, from a DB2 command prompt, run the following command

db2 get db cfg for database name

The output related to log file is displayed as follows .

Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 1000
Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 3
Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND) = 2

In the above configuration , number of Primary Logs are 03 and Number of Secondary Logs are 02 .

Steps to increase number of Primary Logs / Secondary Logs

1. Stop all the DB2 UDB applications. The following command is used to stop all the applications

db2 force applications all

2) Increase LOGPRIMARY, LOGSECOND as per your requrement, if need, increase size of  LOGFILSIZ. The fllowing commands are used to update the logprimary & logsecond.

db2 update db cfg for dbname using logprimary N

db2 update db cfg for dbname using logsecond N

db2 update database config for db2name using LOGFILSIZ filesize

          -where N is greater than what is currently defined

  db2 update database config for ldapdb2 using LOGFILSIZ 5000

db2 update database config for ldapdb2 using LOGPRIMARY 5

db2 update database config for ldapdb2 using LOGSECOND 10

3) Restart DB2 using db2stop and db2start.

Now the problem is  solved..

Create Database in DB2 with Unicode (UTF-8) support - Command

By default, in DB2, databases are created in the code page of the application which creates them. In windows, Simply create a database with the following command

db2 create db employee
            - where employee is the database name.

By default employee database is created with the code page 1252 where as code page 1208 will have utf-8 support. You can see the codeset of a database by giving the following command.

In Windows :  db2 get db cfg for employee | find "code"
In Linux :   db2 get db cfg for employee | grep -i  code

Database code page = 1252
Database code set = IBM-1252

 You can also run the following query to get the code-page.

db2 connect to dbname

db2 "Select codepage from syscat.datatypes where typename = 'VARCHAR'"

which returns 1252

We can create the database with unicode (UTF-8) support by the following ways

1) We can create our database from a Unicode (UTF-8) client (for eg. the UNIVERSAL locale of AIX or set DB2CODEPAGE registry variable on the client to 1208)

2) We can explicitly specify CODESET as "UTF-8" with valid TERRITORY code supported by DB2 Universal Database.

To create a Unicode database named "emp_utf" with the territory code for the US, give the following command.

db2 create db emp_utf using codeset utf-8 territory us collate using system

Now again check the code page with the command

db2 get db cfg for emputf |  | find "code" 

which will give following output

Database code page = 1208
Database code set = utf-8

Note : When a Unicode database is created, CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, and CLOB data are stored in UTF-8 form, and GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, LONG VARGRAPHIC, and DBCLOB data are stored in UCS-2 big-endian form.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Db2 Jars and Class Path set to connect db2 database using java code with JDBC driver.

If your are using DB2 database in your java application, it is always required to write code for connecting DB2 database. Db2 Database can be connected by either using connection pool or  using JDBC. The following example java code is for connecting and accessing DB2 database using JDBC. It loads the DB2 JDBC Driver using Class.forName  and connects to the DB2 database Employee and prints the records of the table Department. For running the program you have to do the following. Assume that Employee database, qual table already been created in DB2.
1. Download DB2 JDBC driver for your db2 version from

2. Include db2 driver path in the CLASSPATH
Steps to include to db2 drivers in the class path:

Copy the below db2 driver files  to any folder for example d:\jars\db2drivers.
 1. db2jcc.jar
 2. db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar
 3. db2jcc_license_cu.jar

              Now set the classpath to include the driver files as follows.
d:\db2test>set CLASSPATH=.;d:\jars\db2drivers\db2jcc.jar;d:\jars\db2drivers\db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar;d:\jars\db2drivers\db2jcc_license_cu.jar;d:\jars\db2drivers\;.
OR permanantly set by Right click on MyComputer ->Advanced Tab - > Environment variables - > select CLASSPATH and edit , set the variable value to above path.

 For connecting db2 in Servlet / DAO in struts, include the above driver files in the libraries (WebContent\WEB-INF\lib). If you use any development tool (IDE) like WSAD or RAD or Myeclipe, then you can include drivers for your application by accessing
                      Project->Properties->  Add External Jar from Project -> Java Build Path -> Libraries Tab -> Add External Jars in the IDE. 
package com.javaonline;

 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;

 public class Db2ConnectJava {
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
  try {
 // Class.forName("");
  catch (ClassNotFoundException e) 
   System.out.println("Class not found. Please include the right db2 jars in the Classpath");
  System.out.println("Great. DB2 driver is loaded successfully");
  Connection conn = null;
  PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
  ResultSet rs=null;
  try {
   conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2:employee");
  if (conn != null)  System.out.println("Connection Sucessful");
  else System.out.println("Connection Failed ");
  pstmt=conn.prepareStatement("Select * from EmpList");
  System.out.println("S.No          Emp.Code                        Name                     Pay Scale ");
  int sno=0;
    System.out.println(sno + ".           "+rs.getString("empcode") +"                          "+ rs.getString("name") +"               "+ rs.getString("payscale"));
  if (sno<=0) 
   System.out.println("No Employees Found");
  } catch (SQLException e) {
   System.out.println("Some Error Occurs...");
Running the above program, you will get the below output.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

How to read images from BLOB field in db2 database table using java code.

     Tn this tutorial, we are going to see how to read Blob images stored in a db2 database table using java code. Let us assume that large objects like images or audio file (eg. Employee photos or Mp3 file) are stored in a db2 database table using BLOB fields. For storing images in db2 table, you can visit Store Images in BLOB. The images or audio files are stored as bytes in DB2. Db2 table stores only descriptor (locator or pointer) which points the external location where the actual bytes are stored. 

         JDBC 2.0 provides methods like getBytes , getBlob to read Binary Data or BLOB data from the table. To get the actual images (jpeg , jpg, gif,..) or audio files (mp3,mp4, ..) , we have to read the bytes from the database and write into a external file. Now let us see how the following code works?.

        In our example Employee table has the fields empid, empname, empphoto,filepath where as empphoto is the blob field which is used to store employee photos. filepath contains the external file path including file name. The bytes read from the blob field is written into the external file in the location using filepath. To read the bytes from the blob field, we can either use

           byte[] image = rs.getBytes("empphoto") 
           Blob blob_temp =rs.getBlob("empphoto"),

             Static method writeToFile (byte[] image, String fileName) accepts image bytes and fileName. Bytes are written to file using the write method of FileOutputStream. Now the employee photo is ready in the location given in the filePath field.

package com.javaonline;
import java.sql.*;

public class Db2BlobRead {

  public static void main(String[] args)    throws SQLException
      try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
     Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2:test");  
     Statement stmt=null;
     ResultSet rs = null;
try {
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    rs = stmt.executeQuery("select empid , empname, empphoto, filepath from Employee");
while (
    if ((rs != null) ) {
 String empcode =rs.getString("empid");
 String empname =rs.getString("empname");
// Blob blob_temp =rs.getBlob("empphoto");
//  byte[] image=blob_temp.getBytes(1,(int)blob_temp.length());
         byte[] image = rs.getBytes("empphoto");
         String fileName = rs.getString("filepath");
         writeToFile(image, fileName);

System.out.println("Employee Code => " + empcode);
System.out.println("Employee Name => " + empname);
System.out.println("Employee Photo read and stored at  : " + fileName);
     } catch (SQLException e)
                } finally {
                     try {
                       if (rs != null) rs.close();
                         if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
                         } catch (SQLException e)

// to write bytes into physical file.
private static void writeToFile(byte[] image, String fileName) {
    FileOutputStream file = null;
    try {
         file = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
              } catch (IOException e) {
          } finally {
                try {
                   if (file != null) file.close();
                     } catch (IOException e)

Output of above program :

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Execute query using PreparedStatement in DB2 with example code in java

       Some times you may need to execute the same SQL statement many times with different parameters (input values). In this situation the best option is to use a PreparedStatement object. PreparedStatement in java is an interface that define the methods and properties that enable you to send SQL statements and receive data from database server. JDBC Drivers developed by database vendors provide classes that implement the PreparedStatement interface. Without a driver you cannot create objects on this interface. 

      As PreparedStatement interface extends Statement, methods of Statement objects such as execute(), executeQuery(), executeUpdate(), and executeBatch() work with the PreparedStatement object. But these methods are implemented to take input the parameters also. To bind values to input (IN) parameters, you can use the setXXX() methods where XXX represents the Java data type of the value. setXXX is used to convert the Java data type to the appropriate SQL data type for your target database. 

Use of the above methods are as follows

1. executeUpdate() is used to execute DML Statements like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL SQL statements

2. excuteQuery() is used to execute SELECT statements to query database.

3. excute() is used to process any DDL or DML statements

4. executeBatch() is used execute group of SQL statements (DDL, DML statements)

The following code snippet describes how the methods executeUpdate(), setInt(), setString() are used with PreparedStatement object. 

 String strSql  = "UPDATE student  SET MobileNo = ?  WHERE studentNo = ?"; 
       PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(strSql);

PreparedStatement object has advantages over a generic Statement object.

1. Quicker than the generic Statement object because the SQL statement is precompiled and stored in a PreparedStatement object.  It can improve performance of frequently used SQL statements because this compiled statement is in memory and remains ready to use during different iterations.

2. Gives flexibility to supply input parameters at runtime

3. PreparedStatement object can also be used for statements that take no parameters.

4. PreparedStatement helps in defending against SQL Injection

Let us see an example of using PreparedStatement object, suppose you have a STUDENT table , which is having Student No, Student Name, Class, Address1, Address2 , City , State , Mobile No . Now you have the list of classes, suppose if you want to print the student details of MCA, MBA and B.Com . The following example shows how to use a PreparedStatement object to execute a SELECT statement for the above said example which has one input parameter: Note : either you can use classname or classcode as a parameter . Always better to use classcode.

public void loadStudentDetails() throws CDRCException, CDRCFatalException {
   String strQuery;
   Connection conn = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ArrayList className = new ArrayList();

   try {
    conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
    strQuery = "select StudentNo, StudentName , Address1, Address2, City , State , MobileNo from student where className=?   ";

    pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);  
    Iterator it=className.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext())
    rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

      System.out.println("Class Name :" + clname ); 

   } catch (SQLException e) {
    System.out.println( "Error :" + e.toString());
   } finally {
    try {
   if (rs != null) {
      rs = null;
     if (pstmt != null) {
      pstmt = null;
     if (conn != null) {
      conn = null;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
     System.out.println( "Error :"  + e.toString());

In the above example, same query is used three times with different input values (parameters). When you use a PreparedStatement object to execute an SQL statement, Don't forget to use the PreparedStatement.close() method to explicitly close the PreparedStatement object when you finish processing the results. This frees (deallocates) the resources that were allocated to the SQL statement.

For more methods on PreparaedStatement, you can visit

Storing Images with BLOB in db2 , How to insert Large Objects (audio , photo, etc) in db2 using java

           Do you need to store Large data objects such as Images (jpg, jpeg, gif , bmp , etc ..) and audios (MP3, etc..) in db2 database. DB2 provides specialized data types called LOBs (Large Objects) for storing large data objects. For storing large text, CLOB data type is used. For storing binary data ( photo images, audio songs), you can use BLOB type.

          BLOB is Binary Large Object which can store binary data and the default size for BLOB is 1 mb. It can contain up to 2 gigabytes of binary data. BLOB values are not stored in a database table , instead a descriptor (locator or pointer) is stored. This descriptor points to the physical location of the LOB. The actual LOB values are stored in tablespaces. This topic covers how to put BLOB data into table in the database.

          JDBC 2.0 provides methods for writing BLOBs. Binary Data can be stored in BLOB field using setBytes, setBinaryStream, setBlob methods of the PreparedStatement interface. In the following example, Employee details are stored along with his / her photos. For that excise, we have to create a table with BLOB field for storing employees photos. In our example, Employee table is created which has the fields of EmpId, EmpName, EmpPhoto, filePath. In this, EmpPhoto is a BLOB field. filePath field is used to store original physical file path and its name. This field is not mandatory. This field may be used  to create the image file with the same filename in the same path when reading blob data back. If the file name is not available, then you have to mention the file name with path in the application itself while reading blob data back. Now how to store Employee's photo in the blob field which is  kept as a physical file in a path (f:\temp\images\) in the machine. So we have to read the file as binary data, that can be done  by the below statements

              file = new FileInputStream(filename);

              int size = file.available();

              imageData = new byte[size];


             In our example ,we have written readImage function which is used to read the image file and returns as array of byte data to the setBytes method.

package com.javaonline;
import java.sql.*;

public class Db2Blob {
    public static void main(String[] args)    throws SQLException 
        try {
          // Class.forName("");
       } catch (Exception e) {
       Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2:test");    
       Statement stmt=null;
 try {     
        stmt = con.createStatement();
       //to create table with blob field (One time only)
         stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE Employee (EmpId varchar (10) , EmpName varchar (50) , EmpPhoto BLOB (5M), filePath varchar(100))");
         } catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Tables already created, skipping table creation process");
 String empId="1222";
 String empName="John";
 String empPhotoFile="f:/temp/images/"+empId+".jpg"; // photo file name
 int success=0;
         PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(?,?,?,?)");
         pstmt.setString(1, empId);
         pstmt.setString(2, empName);
         success =    pstmt.executeUpdate();
         if(success>=1)  System.out.println("New Employee detail added");
 //to read image from the physical file. 
 private static byte[] readImage(String filename) {

      byte[]  imageData = null;
      FileInputStream file = null;
      try {
           file = new FileInputStream(filename);
           int size = file.available();
           imageData = new byte[size];
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
               } catch (IOException e) {
      } finally {
           try {
                if (file != null) file.close();
               } catch (IOException e) {
          return imageData;

Friday, September 26, 2014

Db2 Terminate Vs Connect Reset , Disconnect

db2 Terminate and db2 connect Reset both break the connection to a database.

             Connect Reset breaks a connection to a database, but does not terminate the back-end process. The Terminate command does both ie. break the connection to a database and terminate the back-end process.

Suppose an application is connected to a database, or a process may be in the middle of a of work. We can use TERMINATE to make the database connection to be lost. When Terminate is issued, an internal commit is also performed.

When issue the command db2stop, it may not stop the database manager, if an application is connected to a database. In this situation, you have to issue db2 Terminate command or db2 connect reset, then issue the command db2stop.

Db2 Disconnect is used to clear the database connection of a particular database or all

Syntax : db2 disconnect dbname

eg. db2 disconnect sample

db2 disconnect all

db2 release all

Note : Even after disconnecting database, some times you may get the error message "Database already in use "  when you execute the commands like   "db2 Restore db databasename , etc ..". 

That means current data base is connected by some other applications. Applications connected to the database can be listed out by the following command

db2 list applications

Auth Id Application Name Appl. Handle Application Id DB Name # of Agents
------- -------------- ---------- ------------------------------ -------- -----

TEST javaw.exe 78 *LOCAL.DB2.110722172106 EMPLOYEE 1

TEST javaw.exe 77 *LOCAL.DB2.110722172103 EMPLOYEE 1

Now you can use db2 "force applications all" This command is used to kill  all the applications forcefully at instance level .

To force a particular application with application handle 78
db2  "force application(78)"

Example SQL injection in db2. How to Solve SQL injection in db2?

SQL injection is a technique to attack web applications by inserting malicious code (user supplied data) into strings which are passed to an instance of Database Server for parsing and execution. SQL injection vulnerabilities allow an attacker to inject (or execute) SQL commands within an application. It is one of the dangerous application vulnerability. One way for avoiding SQL Injection, the user supplied data should be validated in both client side and server side  before parsing & executing the SQL statement so that it should not accept the potentially harmful characters.

Example of SQL injection: 

           The primary form of SQL injection consists of direct insertion of code into the input box which is assigned to a variable that is concatenated with SQL queries and executed. 

Simple SQL injection Exampe 1 :

String empCode=""; 
empCode = request.getParameter ("EmpCode"); 
strQuery = " select *  from Employee where empId= '" + empCode+ "'"; 

    Assume that the user enters
NKN5251'; drop table user--
as input in the EmpCode text box. The text box value is assigned to the variable empCode.
    In this case, the above query is assembled as select * from Employee where empId= 'NKN5251'; drop table user--' 

          The semicolon (;) is the end of one query and the start of another. The double dash (--) indicates that the rest of the current line is a comment and should be ignored. As the assembled query is valid and syntactically correct, it will be executed by the server. When Database Server processes this statement, it will first select all records in Employee where empId is NKN5251. Then, it will drop user table. 

Simple SQL injection Exampe 2 : 

     The following simplest SQL injection technique is bypassing form-based login. The Java servlet code given below is a sample code which is used to login, that illustrates the vulnerability by accepting user input without performing adequate input validation or escaping meta characters: 

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {


 PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter(); 



 conn = CoonetionFactory.getConnection( );

 String loginId="";

 String passwd="";

 loginId = req.getParameter ("loginName");

 passwd = req.getParameter ("password");

 String strQuery = "select * from user where loginname='" + loginId +"' and password='" + passwd + "'";

 stmt = conn.createStatement();

 rs = stmt.executeQuery(strQuery);

  if ( 
        out.println("Login Successfull");
        out.println("Invalid Username or Password ");




a) Consider the above code. For example, attacker may provide a login name of : admin' or '1'='1 and any password, the generated SQL statement becomes select * from user where loginname='admin' OR '1'='1' and password='xyz' 

b) For example, even attacker may provide a login name of : ' OR ''='' and password of ' OR ''=', the generated SQL statement becomes select * from user where loginname= '' OR ''='' and password='' OR ''='' 

This above examples allows an attacker to log in to the site without giving the correct password, since the ‘OR’ expression is always true. Using the same technique attackers can inject other SQL commands which could extract, modify or delete data within the database. 

To prevent SQL injection: 

-> Validate all user Input especially server side validation.
-> Always use parameterized query ( Prepared Statements , Stored Procedures ) 
-> Dynamic data should be explicitly bound to parameterized queries. 
-> Never use string concatenation to create dynamic SQL.
-> Escape all user input.

Validating user input :

Validate user input by testing type, length, format, and range 
Use stored procedures to validate user input 
Reject input that contains the harmful characters (Query delimiter ; ), (Character data string delimiter ') ,
( Comment delimiter //)

Prepared Statements:

Variables passed as arguments to prepared statements will automatically be escaped by the JDBC driver.


String strQuery = "SELECT * FROM User WHERE loginName = ? "; 
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(strQuery); 
pstmt.setString(1, loginId); 
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

    Using PreparedStatement with Bind variables avoids SQL Injection attacks and improves the performance. Although Prepared Statements helps in defending against SQL Injection, there are also possibilities of SQL Injection attacks through inappropriate usage of Prepared Statements. The example below explains how SQL Injection attacks when using PreparedStatement


String userName = req.getParameter("loginName"); 
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM user WHERE loginname = '+strName+'");

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Db2 export command example to export data to external file format (del , ixf )

Suppose you want to transfer data from a db2 database table to another db2 database or within the same database, one of the solution is to use db2 export / import command . Using db2 export / import you can move your data to excel also.

DB2 export command exports data selected by SQL statement from a table or view to an external files in the format of del, asc (ascii format), wsf, ixf etc.. del - delimited , wsf - worksheet format , ixf - Integration Exchange Format.

The DEL format uses delimiter and column separator and decimal point. The default string delimiter is double quote " and column separator is comma(,) and Decimal Point is dot(.), you can also specify your own string delimiter & column separator, decimal point. Another format supported by DB2 is   IXF (Integration Exchange Format). It is a generic relational database exchange format which supports an end-of-record delimiter . IXF architecture supports to exchange of relational database structures and data. IXF is used for transferring data across platforms. The following examples illustrates the use of Export command. You can see more about db2 import command at db2 import.

Example 1 : Export all rows in the Employee table to the file emp.ixf with message file msgs.txt for writing the messages or warnings

              db2 export to emp.ixf of ixf messages msgs.txt select * from employee

Example 2:The following command exports all rows in the Employee table to the file emp.del.

               db2 export to emp.del of del select * from employee

Example 3: The following command exports all rows in the Employee table to the file employee.del using the column delimiter semi colon(;) and string delimiter single quote (') and the decimal point comma,

              db2 export to employee.del of del modified by chardel'' coldel; decpt, select * from employee

    Output of the above is command is as follows.


Some of the Parameters  applicable to DB2 Export command:

                MESSAGES message-file : Specifies the destination file to be created for writing warnings and error messages which is generated during an export operation. If the file already exists, then warnings & errors are appended. If msg file is omitted, the messages are written on the console. 

         In the Example 1, msgs.txt is created for information . Sample msgs.txt file has the messages of SQL3104N  
                 The Export utility is beginning to export data to file "emp.ixf". , SQL3105N The Export utility has finished exporting "2" rows.

METHOD N col-name : Specifies 1 or more column names to be written in the output file. If it is not specified, the column names in the table are used. This is valid only for WSF and IXF files . 

    Example : db2 export to emp.ixf of ixf method N (empcode , empname) messages msgs.txt select * from employee

MODIFIED BY filetype-mod : Specifies file type of DEL , IXF , WSF