
Saturday, November 15, 2014

DB2 Gui Tools and Commands to start GUI tools

DB2 Universal Database (UDB) has many graphical tools that make the DBA’s database management job easier and it improves the productivity of the developer in application development. The following are the Gui Tools available in DB2 UDB. 1. Control Center , 2. Command Center , 3. Configuration Assistance , 4. Health Center, 5. Task Center , 6. Development Center , 7. Journal , 8. Memory Visualizer , 9. Information Center , 10. Replication Center

Now We are going to the use of db2 gui tools and how to invoke these Tools
All the GUI tools can be run through Control Center. It is better to invoke the GUI tools directly from the command line. 

1. Control Center : Using the Control Center, We can perform administrative tasks, monitor systems, and develop applications.This is the Master of all DB2 graphical tools We can invoke various DB2 GUI tools directly from the Control Center. Command to invoke Contral Center : db2cc

2. Command Center : Allows you to write and execute DB2 commands and SQL statements interactively. It also lets you write scripts containing DB2 commands & SQL statements and run them immediately or schedule for later execution. Command to invoke Command Center : db2cmdctr

3. Task Center :  Tool to manage the scheduling and execution of DB2 Command and OS scripts. Upon completion of a job, it can create notifications to be sent to e-mail or pager. Command to invoke Task Center : db2tc

4. Journal:  Keeps a running history of all interactive command and script executions submitted using the DB2 GUI tools. Command to invoke Journal : db2journal

5. Memory Visualizer :  Used to monitor the memory allocation of a DB2instance. Command to invoke Memory Visualizer : db2memvis 

6. Health Center: Used to monitor the state and utilization of many parts of the database manager, the databases, and user agents. Command to invoke Health Center : db2hc

7. Development Center :  It has the features and functions that make it easier for developers to build and deploy applications for either Java or Microsoft environments. The Stored Procedure Builder has been included in the Development Center. Command to invoke Development Cente : db2dc 

8. Configure Assistance :  The Configuration Assistant has many new features. One is to connect & access the remote data base locally using TCP/IP . Command to invoke Configure Assistance : db2memvis

9. Replication Center :  We can use to set up and administer our replication environment which include DB2-to-DB2 replication and DB2 and non-DB2 relational databases. Command to invoke Replication Center : db2rc 

10. Information Center : Provides quick access to DB2 product information and is available on all OS for which the DB2 administration tools are available. Command to invoke Information Center : db2ic 

11. Data Studio Client : In latest version, DB2 control center in replaced with Data Studio Client. You may need to install the Data Studio Client separately.

 To start, Data Studio Client, Change to the home directory where you have installed DataStudio. Then run eclipse.exe 

For example : F:\Program Files\IBM\DSWC4.1>Eclipse.exe

Commands in Brief :

Control Center : db2cc 
Command Center : db2cmdctr 
Configuration Assistance : db2ca 
Health Center : db2hc 
Task Center : db2tc 
Development Center : db2dc 
Journal :  db2journal 
Memory Visualizer : db2memvis 
Information Center : db2ic 
Replication Center : db2rc 
Data Studio : eclipse.exe

The commands can be used in both Linux & Windows environment. The command can be run in db2 command prompt window .

In windows you can get the command prompt (command line processor (CLP)) by running the command db2cmd.

In Linux,  to invoke the DB2 CLP or issue DB2 command directly from the Linux command prompt, we need to run the db2profile in the profile of the login user ID. For that we need to include the following line in login profile. INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile Where INSTHOME is the DB2 instance home directory.


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