
Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to Configure JDBC Datasource (JNDI) in Tomcat 7 with DB2 in Ecplise Example.

The following steps tells how to Configure JDBC Data Resources (JNDI) in Tomcat 7 with DB2 in Ecplise with Example. Assume that Eclipse is configured with Apache Tomcat Application Server 7.0. A database connection pool creates and manages a pool of connections to a database. It is always better to recycle and reuse already existing connections to a dB than opening a new connection. Tomcat supports DBCP connection pool from the Commons project by default. It is also possible to use any other connection pool that implements javax.sql.DataSource Suppose...

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Java to create & use DataSource Object in DB2 in the application using DataSource interface without using tools

The preferred way to connect to a database is using DataSource interface rather than using DriverManager interface. DriverManager class requires JDBC driver class name and driver URL. So we have to mention the Driver class and Driver URL which are specific to a JDBC vendor, driver implementation. This reduces the Portabilty of the Application. To improve potability of your applications among data sources, DataSource interface may be used. JDBC version 2.0 provides the DataSource interface. The following program creates datasource object to connect...